Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Half a Year With Our Ray of Sunshine

While I had every intention of doing a 4 month post then all the best intentions for a combined 4-5 month post- here we are 10 days after her 6 month milestone that I’m finally getting around to writing this update. I don’t know what it is but it is seemingly impossible to find time to blog. Or I should say it is seemingly impossible to find time to blog when I also have the mental capacity for writing, or the physical energy to keep my eyes open and look at a screen or the motivation to write instead of just relax after a full day of momming. I love being a a mom of two littles but by the end of the day I am wiped out! As for why I seem unable to write during the day, stay tuned for that below!

I didn’t manage to get 4 month photos with a sign but this little chunky monkey didn’t seem to mind.

Stats: Initially I was going to say I haven’t been to her appt yet…but then this post sat unfinished for 3 days and so you’re in luck! I have her updated stats. At 4 months she was just shy of 15lbs in the 50% for weight and just over 25 in in the 73% for height.

Today she was 16.69lbs putting her int he 52% for weight and she was just over 27 inches keeping her in the 75% percentile for height which is still a shocker to hubby and I. Although my mom reminds me that I was also “tall” as a baby and clearly that didn’t stick hah! 

Likes: Her most favorite thing is her big brother. She thinks he is the absolute best and she gives him all her best smiles and laughs whenever he’s around. 

She also loves chewing on anything and everything, playing in her little jumper table, dancing with daddy, smiling and making faces at everyone, splashing in the water, sitting up on her own, and did I mention chewing? 

Dislikes: Napping for longer than 40 minutes at a time, being in the car seat for extended periods of time, growing teeth.

Eat, Sleep, Play: She has had some ups and downs in the sleep department lately but the perk of being a 2nd time mom is knowing all of the sleep challenges are temporary and there are longer and more restful nights sleep in my future. Growing teeth is tough work and has led to a few rough nights. And since about 4.5/5 months she has given up any long naps and traded them for cat naps. Her brother did the same and I know at some point they started to lengthen again so for now we just roll with it. Every now and then she’ll nap for an hour-hour and a half but 30-40 minutes is her current preference (hence the lack of daytime blogging). This does not always line up with brother which can be tough too but we do our best to get an overlap when we can! 

Overnight she usually wakes up once to eat unless she’s teething in which case she may wake up more frequently. She’s typically down from about 7-6:30/7 (minus that middle of the night wakeup). And usually naps 3 times during the day. In between naps she spends her time eating, playing on the floor, playing in her jumper, watching whatever brother is doing or being out and about with brother and me being our favorite little sidekick.  

Favorite Moments: Well since I haven’t updated in a few months it is hard to narrow these down. But she’s had a big few months- she’s been rolling like a champ, we celebrated brother turning two, she had her first virus, she was baptized, her first 4th of July, she’s sitting up on her own, swam in the lake, has 2 little teeth, started eating solid foods and moved to her big girl car seat. She’s the best little pal for all of our outings and just rolls right along with whatever we’re doing! 

We’ve definitely had a few tougher moments in the last few months between the teething, inconsistent sleep, a yucky virus etc but even with all of this, we all still agree she is just the smiliest, sweetest thing on the planet and she brightens our day every day. How lucky are we to be her parents?!