Saturday, December 31, 2022

A NYE Letter to My Baby Boy

I do some blogging for a baby boutique called Caden Lane. It has been a fun way to work on my writing craft and give me an outlet for adulting while I’m at home with the little man. Most of my articles are more “technical” if you will- how-tos, tips and tricks, product reviews etc. But I wrote this article for New Years that is full of all the feels. 

If you’d like to read my letter, head over here

This year has been so special and yet somehow still I know the best is yet to come with our little man. I have loved 2022, full of sweet baby snuggles, plenty of worries, and yet so, so much joy! I can’t wait to see what 2023 has for us. 

I’m so appreciative to those of you that read along with me here. I write mostly so these days don’t ever escape my memory but I love having you right alongside me! Happy new year everyone! 


  1. Your writing craft is excellent. Nice to have an outlet for it.

  2. Maggie, I enjoyed reading your letter to your sweet boy. I don't mean to sound creepy, but because I've been a blogger connected to your mom for many years, I feel like I actually know all of you on a level, not personal since we've never met, but through being privy to so many big life events... weddings, babies, vacations, etc., and just the "mundane" day-to-day stuff that becomes fodder for our blogs. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives here and to care. Happy new year to you and yours!! Wishing you blessings over-flowing!!

  3. That letter is so special. It's a keeper!
