Sunday, October 15, 2023
Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Catching Up
It sure has been a while since I’ve been on here. And believe me, it’s not for any lack of desire to write. I have plenty of want when it comes to my personal writing. What I seem to have been lacking in the last several weeks is the time, energy and brain space. I do write for the mom blog at Caden Lane and so lately if I happen to find the time and energy, it goes there. But here I am, with a few free minutes, a freshly brewed cup of (decaf) coffee and a napping toddler and a newfound burst of energy. So I’m writing.
Before I go any further, my most important piece of information to catch you up on is that…I’m pregnant! Now most of you probably know this because you either follow me on social media or you read my momma’s blog and this information has been out there a few weeks. But alas, I still feel like I need to make an official announcement here. Even if I dawdled to do it until I was 18 weeks. WHAT? Almost halfway and I can’t even believe it! We cannot wait for our newest addition and to see JB as a big brother. 2 under 2 will be wild but oh so sweet!
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Even sick, he sure is the cutest/sweetest boy I know! |
So aside from all of this craziness, what all has been going on?
I’ve been growing, growing growing! This pregnancy has been pretty different it seems to me but largely I think that’s due to having a toddler to chase after. With JB’s pregnancy, we moved right at the beginning (around 8/9 weeks) and I wasn’t working so I had all kinds of time to just soak up and enjoy pregnancy. I read all the pregnancy books, took 3 different online pregnancy courses, practiced Hypnobirthing sessions, took all the naps etc. And it seemed to take FOREVER for the pregnancy to pass, in an enjoyable way but nevertheless I felt like I’d been pregnant forever by the time he arrived. This time around I am shocked every time I realize I’m a week closer. When I say out loud that I’m almost half way I just can’t believe it because it seems to be flying!
Otherwise though, my pregnancy has gone very smoothly. I had minimal nausea at the beginning and my main symptom was just being absolutely exhausted. During most of my first trimester, I napped when JB napped just to be able to get to bedtime without falling asleep standing up. As I hit the second trimester I slowly began getting more energy back and feel like I’m finally in a good space- although I don’t turn down a nap if I can find the time! I haven’t had many other symptoms yet and for that I am so grateful. I did bust out the pregnancy pillow last night as I can start to feel myself getting a bit more uncomfortable and achy but otherwise feeling good!
We found out we were expecting a girl a few weeks ago which was such exciting news! Hubby and I actually did an at home blood test when I was about 8 weeks along and it also said girl, but I wasn’t fully willing to believe it until I had it confirmed via ultrasound. JB may not know what’s coming, but we are very excited to be adding a little girl into the family.
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Don’t let his face fool you, JB loved it! It was just very sunny up there. |
We had my parents in town not long ago as well and got to do some sightseeing in our own city. There have been several things in the area we’ve been wanting to do and my parents hadn’t had a chance to see much of our city either so it was the perfect opportunity. We decided to go checkout the incline railway. It is a super steep ride up Lookout Mountain and you are greeted with some beautiful views at the top! And of course a stop at Clumpies ice cream was a must!
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JB was a huge fan of ice cream and it kept him occupied while we waited for the train. |
We took a day trip over to Knoxville recently and took JB to the zoo. We have family in the area and so we got to see my grandmother and aunt and uncle and then enjoy a day at the zoo seeing all the animals. JB LOVES animals so he really enjoyed it!
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
One Year
I am obviously extremely behind in getting this one posted…seeing as baby boy is now almost closer to 14 months then 12. Whoops! It has been crazy around here and I keep trying to work on this draft and getting side tracked by other things. But let me just tell you that our first year with this little guy was nothing short of delightful. He is truly the sweetest, most precious little guy and we are just so lucky he’s ours.
Weight: 23.5 lbs putting him in the 70% for his weight. He is still delightfully round with the sweetest cheeks and solid thighs and I’ll be so sad to start seeing those little baby rolls fade away as he looks more and more like a little boy and less and less like a baby.
Height: 29.5 inches…he grew 10.5 inches this year :) But he is still hanging in the 30% for his height.
Likes: Walking…he is on the move! And now that he’s figured it out, he is loving his new found freedom with this new mode of transportation. And we are busy as ever chasing him around. He also still loves to be outside- pulling/pushing his lawnmower, playing in the water table, digging in the dirt, swinging, going for a walk, he loves it all. He loves to run at me to give a hug and likes to climb all over everything. He loves to look at books, and play with his toy tool box. He loves to climb the stairs and play with Bo as much as Bo will allow. He likes to play peek-a-boo in his tunnel or with his hands (he puts them over his ears instead of his eyes and I can’t get enough). He loves to say Bo, ball and dada and loves to eat snack especially fruit of any and all kinds. He loves music and will bounce to the beat and as always still loves his nightly bath.
Dislikes: I honestly can’t think of many because he is just the happiest little guy. I mean he still doesn’t love having his face wiped and every now and then diaper changes lead to a fit but mostly if he’s unhappy it’s because he’s tired, hungry or not feeling well. I have noticed a little bit of frustration as not getting what he wants start to come out so I’m sure we’re entering that phase now that he’s a little more aware of what’s going on around him but he is still usually soothed pretty quickly.
Eating, Sleeping, Playing:
He is doing better with his early mornings and is usually pretty consistently sleeping till at least 6, often closer to 6:15/6:30 even depending on when he went to bed. That may not sound late but we’ve had a lot of mornings that started before 6 so as long as we make it to 6 I’m pretty happy. He usually goes to bed around 7:30, give or take a little on either side but that is his sweet spot. And he is still napping twice a day, usually around 9:30 and 3ish just depending on our schedule that day. He is a champion napper at this point, and we’re very lucky! I’m hoping he’ll want to move to one nap in the next few months but this is working for now so we’re not messing with it. He eats 3 meals a day plus snacks, has dropped all formula feeds and gets regular milk now. He loves most food and is overall a pretty good eater. He’s been going through some phases of less eating some weeks and more others, wanting to boycott meat for a while then right back to it but all in all he eats well and we’re hoping he keeps it up! Some of his favorites are bananas, clementines, berries, broccoli, sweet potatoes, peas, corn and carrots. Loves the produce! Some of his favorite things to play with right now are his little toy toolbox/shape sorter, his sports balls, stuffed animals like his monkey, reading lots and lots of books, his toy lawnmower and tractor outside and bubbles.
Favorite Moment of the Month:
His birthday party of course! I wrote all about his birthday party in a blog post I wrote for Caden Lane, so feel free to check that out here. But we had a farm themed party for him, complete with a petting zoo. He loves animals and was so excited to see all the animals in his yard. And definitely loved the cake. We loved getting to celebrate our guy with so many people that love him and us so well.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
11 Months
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Summer Days
This was JB’s first trip to the zoo so it was fun to see his reaction. He wasn’t totally aware of what was going on and several of the exhibits were completely ignored. But he did have a good view of the giraffes and was positively enamored of the jaguar that was pacing right up against the glass.
The hit of the day though were the goats! They have a little petting area with goats in it and JB was in heaven! He was so excited to see them and get to touch them.
After our friends headed home, JB and I hung around a little bit longer to get lunch and kill time because I knew he’d fall asleep in the car so I was wanting to wait until closer to nap time to head out. And that meant we had time to get one of mama’s favorite treats…Dippin’ Dots! We sat in the shade and JB got to cool off with his first taste of this fun sweet delight. He was a HUGE fan!
After a nap in the car on the way home, we spent even more time outside on the back porch. We soaked up every ounce of sunshine we could yesterday and I couldn’t have been happier. It really got me excited for summer with our little guy. So even though the temps are going to cool off a bit this weekend (boo!!), I’ll be holding onto this sunshiny feeling as long as I can!
Monday, April 17, 2023
10 Months
I say it every month but it remains true…I literally cannot comprehend how quickly time is going. How do I have a 10 month old? How are we already planning a first birthday party? JB just gets more and more fun as the days go on. I think this stage that we’re in might be one of my most favorite yet!
Weight and Height: He is just over 22 lbs so still a growing boy! Not sure about height since we haven’t been measured this month but he’s definitely growing! He wears mostly 12 month clothes now, still some of his 9 month things but most of that is a bit too snug now.
Likes: Everything! He is such a happy little baby. Some of his favorites right now are the roomba- or really all cleaning items (the vacuum, broom, swiffer etc).He also loves to be pulling up and standing on anything and everything, playing with bubbles, reading books (especially touch and feel ones), looking out the window, doing anything outside, eating yogurt melts, people watching, dogs, throwing things and knocking down every tower mama builds.
Dislikes: Teething- it is just the worst. But those top two teeth are so so close to breaking through so hopefully he’ll get a little break in a few days.
Sleeping, Eating and Playing:
I am pleased to report that we have had several full nights sleep around here. It is still not an every night thing, but lately it is more often than not (at least for the last two weeks or so) which is just delightful. Now he is still an early bird for sure! But getting up at 5:30 or 6 when you’ve slept all night is not nearly as difficult as doing it when you were also up at 2 or 3 am. He no longer eats overnight so I think that was a huge help in getting him to sleep through more often. Typically now when he wakes it seems to be that he either just needs a quick snuggle and his paci then back to sleep or he’s quite distressed due to teething and needs lots of snuggles and rocking before getting back down (sometimes multiple times). But that’s ok, because he won’t want or need those snuggles forever and I know one day I’ll miss the way he curls up so nicely in my arms in the middle of the night.
He drinks 4 bottles a day plus eats solids typically 3 times a day. He is an absolute champ at eating! He doesn’t necessarily eat large quantities of food but he has tried so many different thing and doesn’t seem the least bit picky so far. Stay tuned for a blog all about his eating adventures. He is usually up for the day around 6 with a nap at around 9/9:30 and an afternoon nap around 2:30. And he’s a great napper! Usually about an hour and half in the morning and another 45 minutes to a hour in the afternoon. In the in between times we fill our days with a lot of playing with toys, reading books and getting out of the house usually at least once a day for something. Sometimes its the grocery store or swim class, lunch with a friend or a trip to the park. We also try and walk around the neighborhood every day that it isn’t raining. He loves to be outside so it’s a great way to fill the later afternoon times that can get long. Especially on the days that dad is traveling and it’s just us.
Some days are long, some feel monotonous while others feel like a crazy whirlwind full of fun and excitement. Either way, he is my favorite little sidekick and I would not trade these days at home with him for anything.
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Holding my hand at lunch…the sweetest little buddy! |
We had our first big trip away from him this past month as well! Mom and dad headed to the Caribbean for a week with some sweet friends and the little man stayed home with his Nana and Pawpaw who were kind enough to come stay at our house for a week. He did great! It was tough to leave and we definitely missed him but some sunshine, vitamin sea and uninterrupted sleep were good for our souls.
Favorite Moments: I would say watching him learn new things this month has been extra exciting! He shakes his head no, claps with enthusiasm and is pulling to stand and starting to cruise. Every new thing is so fun to watch and this are he seems to be learning something new all the time and its just the best! And of course we can’t forget his first Easter! We had such a great day! There was an Easter basket with lots of fun things for him, a sweet Easter outfit, a lovely church service, yummy lunch and beautiful weather to enjoy as a family.
I am in denial that in two months he’ll be a whole year. But I also just can’t wait to see what all he is doing then!