Friday, April 30, 2021

Z is for Zed

Z is for Zed. 

26 letters. 26 days of blogging. From A all the way to Zed. I think everyone should adopt the habit of calling z, zed. 

And truthfully, I don't have any fun Z adventures for this post. So I'm leaving you with a few final thoughts about my time overseas. 

It was magical. And impactful. And life-changing.

It was challenging at times and eye-opening often.

It was full of growing and changing and learning and loving. 

It was a long time, yet MUCH too short. 

It was just yesterday...except it wasn't. 

It was one of the sweetest seasons of my life for so many reasons. 

And I have loved reliving so many pieces of it here in the last month. 


  1. I really enjoyed reading about all of your adventures with the alphabet... kind of sad that it's come to an end! Have a great weeekend.

  2. Congratulations on getting to the end of the challenge!

  3. Congratulations on completing the April A-Z, Maggie. I sure did enjoy your memories of your time across the pond. I look forward to seeing you here more often now!! Happy weekend! xo

  4. Congrats on completing the Challenge!

    Dena from Operation Awesome

  5. Hats off to you for a job "well done!"

  6. I'm so happy you recorded these memories here. They'll be a treasure to you one day.
